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Devotional: Faith In Action
Live out God’s love through service, compassion, and faith in action. Reflect Christ’s heart in every deed, big or small.
Devotional: Embracing Hope in Times of Despair
Overcome despair with faith, not fear. Find hope in God's promises, Embrace His unshakable love, and His plan for your life.
Devotional: Trusting in God
Find peace and confidence by trusting God's faithfulness. Surrender control, lean on His promises, and embrace His plan.
Easter Devotion #4 - The Empty Tomb
How do we deal with that empty tomb? There is no getting around it. We can choose to deny it, ignore it, or accept it as God’s promise to...
Easter Devotion #3 - Fear
He was terrified. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt. Fear will do that to us. His light had gone out and darkness had him in its...
Easter Devotion #2 - The Promise of Easter
Is Easter more to us than special services, new clothes, Easter baskets, and dinner with family? Does the promise of Easter guide us...
Easter Devotion #1 - He Is Risen!
Hallelujah, He is risen! Christ is risen indeed! All around the world Christians will be singing, shouting, and sharing this Good News...
Lent Devotion #6 - Total Depravity
The prophet Isaiah had a vision of being transported to the throne room of God. And his first response was to cry out and say, “Woe is...
Lent Devotion #5 - The Square Peg and the Round Hole
I have been thinking of square pegs and round holes all week. More accurately, I have been thinking about an old phrase that claims, “you...
Lent Devotion #4 - Hope and Tragedy
One of the most hopeful passages of Scripture is found in John 14:27. And one of the most tragic passages of Scripture is found in...
Lent Devotion #3 - The Importance of 40 Days
Lent is a 40-day journey of personal reflection. We don’t know why the early Christians chose 40 days, but most people connect it to the...
Lent Devotion #2 - The Origins of Lent
According to Socrates, “the unexamined life is not worth living.” If we don’t stop, every now and then, and take the time to identify...
Lent Devotion #1: Abraham and Paul
When God called Abram (later named Abraham) and told him to leave his home and his family, God told him that he would become a blessing...
Advent Devotional #1: Slow Down & Enjoy the Season
We started 2 races this weekend, both with Christmas as the finish line. Black Friday started the first race with its focus on “getting.”...
Advent #2: Sharing Mercy With Others
As we continue our Advent journey to Bethlehem, and the promised “peace on Earth” of which the angels sing, it might be helpful to...
Advent #3: Finding Peace in Christ
One hymn that is almost always sung in Advent is O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Listen closely to the words, it appears to be a prayer that God...
Advent #4: Finding Peace
The Magi followed a star to that stable in Bethlehem and the shepherds were sent to see the newborn child by an angel choir. What is it...
Christmas: Tell Christ's Story
So much is just like it was back in Bethlehem when the shepherds went looking for the one the angels had told them about. Christmas is...
Epiphany: The Hope for What's to Come
As the darkness begins to retreat day by day, and the light finds its way back, we can begin to put aside our doubts and trust that God has
Conflict Resolution
We have the capability to reason our way to common ground. We can bring peace out of chaos.
Trusting God Alone
True peace comes from being in relationship with God, which leads us to proper relationship with this universe and all that dwell within it.
Being Who God Created Us to Be
Slow down. Listen to the Spirit who wants to shape you and guide you. And then, be who you know yourself to be.
Accepting Our Imperfection
The pathway to peace invites us to be holy as God is holy; but we will never be perfect.
A Call to Action
Finding peace means that we are looking for ways to heal the hurt that is blocking our abilities to connect with others.
Being Salt and Light
We can help healing begin where hurt seems to be wining the day.
Seeking the Greater Good
Real peace and understanding come when we look to care for others first, and ourselves second.
Striving for Holiness
Have faith that you are worth more than you think. And let God’s love lead you to that peace that passes all understanding.
Finding Peace for Others (and Ourselves)
Our calling is to help others find peace and a new hope in their time of darkness.
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